Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Maybe Kids at 30, but Can We Have the Bed Now?

Adam and I selfishly have an extremely long list of things we want to experience before we venture into parenthood. Let me give you an idea of how long our list is: Children aren't in our 5 year plan and are at the bottom of the list of our 10 year plan, ha. As we know, God has His own plan for our lives, so we may very well have a child sooner than anticipated. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love kids! Ty and Madi, in particular, can ALWAYS put smiles on our faces! They absolutely love Adam, so it will be fun to see him with our kids. For now, it's fun to spoil the heck out of them and send them home. All this being said, how cute will this bed be if we ever have a little boy?? Maybe Adam will share and let him sleep in it every once in a while, ha.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ali...
    I love that adorable bed AND your blog! I enjoy seeing what you're up to - keep up the good work! Thank you for following my blog!
